EX-RioterLOL/VAL - League LVL 332 - 75k RP - All unobtainable skins - Exclusive Riot...

Discussion in 'Valorant Other Accounts | Valorant Accounts Sale' started by /u/Ghst66, 11/12/24.

  1. /u/Ghst66

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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    BR server. Contact me if you wanna see the account or negotiate!

    Valorant skin list:

    Classic: Tacti-series, Spectrum, 9 lives, Bound, Fiber optic, Panoramic, Premiere Collision, Shimmer

    Shorty: Primordium, Aquatica, Cloudweaver, Guardrail, Hue Shift, Karabasan, Neptune, Tilde, Wayfinder, Wunderkind

    Frenzy: Elderflame, Aero, Blush, Coalition: Cobra, Guardrail, Moondash, Shellspire, Spitfire, Tacti-series, Task Force 809, Venturi

    Ghost: Magipunk, Comet, Fiber optic, Freehand, Gaia's, Gridcrasch, Piedra del sol, Spitfire, topotek.

    Sheriff: Neo frontier, .SYS, cloudweaver, Composite, immortalized, overdrive, protektor, retrowave, signature, singularity, wayfarer.

    Stinger: .SYS, Aquatica, Cloudweaver, composite, gridcrash, immortalized, moondash, shimmer, signature, tactiplay, transition, overdrive.

    Spectre: Primordium, blush, comet, fiber optic, freehand, hue shift, monstrocity, shellspire, task force 809, venturi

    Bucky: overdrive, .SYS, Panoramic, Piedra del sol, retrowave, topotek.

    Judge: Elderflame, Bound, coalition: cobra, digihex, gridcrash, Piedra del sol, Shimmer, Tilde.

    Bulldog: Tilde, bound, Digihex, gridcrash, hue shift, premiere collision, retrowave, shimmer, tactiplay, transition

    Guardian: 9 lives, blush, guardrail, immortalized, moondash, panoramic, shellspire, signature, spitfire, tactic-series

    Phantom: Champions 2024, 9 lives, blastx, bound, composite, hue shift, magipunk, neo frontier, oni, piedra del sol, primordium, protocol 781-a, RDVR, shellspire, spectrum, task force 809, topotek.

    Vandal: Ion, .SYS, Araxys, Champions 2023, comet, gaias's, guardrails, immortalized, kuronami, magipunk, monstrocity, neptune, origin, overdrive, Prelude to chaos, prime, primordium, reaver, RGX11z, transition, venturi.

    Meele: Neo frontier, .SYS, primordium, champions 2024, comet, guardrail, piedral del sol, overdrive, prime 2.0, reaver karambit, rgx11 firefly, shellspire, task force 809, tilde, venturi, xenohunter.

    Marshall: Neo frontier, Coalition: cobra, composite, fiber optic, freehand, moondash, premiere colision, signature, tacti-series, taskm force 809, venturi.

    Outlaw: Cloudreaver, aquatica.

    Operator: Origin, Ion, blush, retrowave, spitfire, tilde.

    Ares: 9 lives, aquatica, digihex, monstrocity, premiere, spitfire.

    Odin: Neo frontier, coalition: cobra, comet, freehand, tactiplay, topotek.

    Check it on:

    # #/Ghst66
    . .
    #1 /u/Ghst66, 11/12/24
    Last edited by a moderator: 12/14/24
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