Sold Ex Max-Cape Main |2923 Total |366 QP |118 Slayer |120 Invention |105 DG |120 Rng |[ChicksJ2000725]

Discussion in 'Runescape 3 RS3 Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Chicks, 6/16/21.

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  1. Chicks

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    Combat Level: 138
    Total Level: 2923
    Quest Points: 366
    Featured Items: Elite Void, Amulet of Souls, Ancient Defender, TokHaar-Kal-Xil, Zaryte Bow, Pernix
    Featured Quests: World wakes, WGS, ROTM, Void Stares back, Fate of the gods, Plague's end, One of a kind
    Pets: Dave, Steve, Pete, Gavin, Lana, Bill, Chick'arra, Commander Miniana, Barry, Mallory, Molly, Mega ducklings, Vindiddy, Rawrvek, Lilwyr, Brains, Bubbles, Flo, Malcolm, Rocky, Rue, Crabbe, Smithy, Ralph, Kangali, Morty, Sparky, Newton, Archie
    Bank Value: 300m+





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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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