Sold Evil Dolphin account with good side included

Discussion in 'Lord of the Rings Rise to War Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Koldron, 7/5/23.

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  1. Koldron

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    Selling my Evil side account with my good side included.

    Both accounts are available now.

    I'm the original owner of both account, been playing for 2 years roughly.

    I have invested 5000 australian dollar which is equivalent to 2500 us dollar, most of the investment was on my evil side.

    Evil account have been part of 8 seasons, 6 seasons won with ring and 2 seasons won with known creator medal.

    You will be able to fight well geared players and destroy weak players. Passive on gear are some of the best you can have.

    Have a look at some of the latest pvp report.

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