Everything must go! Top tier cards

Discussion in 'Star Wars Force Collection Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/28/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    I recently learned I'll be deploying again in October so now I'm looking to make a clean break. Everything's for sale and priced to move.

    4/7 Mace sk40 $300

    4/7 Mace sk40 $300

    4/7 Leia sk30 $300

    4/7 Queen sk40 $220

    4/7 Obi JM sk23 $200

    4/7 TCO $180

    4/7 TCO $180

    4/7 TCO $180

    4/7 Han $125

    4/7 Han $125

    4/7 Han $125

    4/7 Han $125

    Evo 2 padme $60

    Mace $80

    Mace $80

    Leia $80

    Old Vader $30

    Old Chewie $30

    Chewie HOK $25

    Dooku $25

    Ani pad $20

    Ani pad $20

    Ani pad $20

    JJB $20

    Ackbar $20

    Old maul $20

    Sen palp $20

    Sen palp $20

    Emp palp $20

    Skill cards:

    4/7 Yoda sk40 $35

    4/7 Lando sk40 $30

    4/7 Mundi sk40 $30

    4/7 Dodonna sk30 $30

    4/7 Bail sk30 $30

    4/7 Bail sk30 $30


    Entire lvl 76 account with over 4.7 million credits + plenty more 4* 4/7 and bases + evomax Han carbonite & evomax shaaks...easily worth in excess of $3,000, but I'll sell it all for: $1,800


    Must be paypal verified and min purchase is $100, PM me


    Wow that's cheap for the whole thing sent you a message.

    PM Sent

    HI, Many pieces do you have remaining 4/7 TCO $ 180 and 4/7 Mace sk40 $ 300?

    Sent u PM!
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