I currently have in stock: Control Wizard- Male, Human. Trickster Rogue- Female, Half-Orc Devoted Cleric- Male, Human Guardian Fighter- Male, Dwarf AND Male, Human All characters are 60, all characters have full PvP epic sets. Professions wise they all have around level 8 leadership. Any questions, feel free to inbox me here or SemperGumbie on skype. Since I'm in need of some quick cash, buy 2 get 1 free. Buy 3, get all 5. GWF has been sold. I'm also open to trades with verified members. Bump. Bumpalicious. Bamp. Ermahgerd, bermp. Accounts now all have the special title "Critical Hit" for helping out the devs. Limited rare title, no longer obtainable. Bump. Bump. Bump. Bump. Bump. Bump. pmub