[svirtual] As per title. Clearing off most of my collection and keeping the events I really really want. PCBC set All of them are in ENG language. PCBC Gengar. Video proof, Mild nature. From #/NyanInSpace > me. PCBC Kang. Video proof, Careful nature. From #/NyanInSpace > me. PCBC Scizor. Video proof, Hardy nature. From #/NyanInSpace > me. PCBC Gyarados. Picture proof, Adamant nature. From #/judefacekilla > me. PCBC Mawile. Picture proof, Brave nature. From #/OsHoesNattyBohs > #/Gjones18 > me. PCBC Tyranitar. Picture proof, Adamant nature. From #/gigglechris2 > me. ASKING PRICE - $230 XY Garchomp, touched Slighty touched (less than 5%), WC proof. Got it from a facebook. group who traded it to #/Illidan > #/Jaimeg7 > #/Voltagic > #/ObvliousLush > me. ASKING PRICE - $60 Spring Carnival Garchomp KOR language. Got it from a korean user on naver > #/ahnjy127 > me. Have WC proof + proof of chat for discussion and trade of said Garchomp. ASKING PRICE - $70 BUY BOTH THE XY AND SPRING CARNIVAL CHOMP FOR $115! Unredeemed stuff Unredeemed stuff go here. Note these were originally planned to be SRed and redeemed by me, so no video proof I'm afraid. Corocoro Rayquaza, WC proof - $10 Summer'15 Ray, WC proof - $10 7/11 Lugia and Latios, WC proof - $15 for both Thanks for looking, and have a nice day! Reference # #/danjandrum # .