Account for Sale Main Character Information Male Caldari on Tranquility Account Information Main Character Skill Points: 46324185 List Skills, Specs, and Implants: Describe All Characters Assets: Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: 400000000 How many Alts are on your Account?: Additional Information Total ISK 234522578 Account for Sale Main Character Information Male Caldari on Tranquility Account Information Main Character Skill Points: 45607108 List Skills, Specs, and Implants: ocular filter - basic memory augmentation - basic nerual boost - basic cybernetic subprocessor - basic social adoptation - basic Anchoring Combat Drone Operation Drone Durability Drone Interfacing Drone Navigation Drone Sharpshooting Drones Heavy Drone Operation Mining Drone Operation Scout Drone Operation Electronic Warfare Electronics Electronics Upgrades Long Range Targeting Signature Analysis Survey Target Painting Targeting Energy Grid Upgrades Energy Management Energy Systems Operation Engineering Shield Compensation Shield Management Shield Operation Shield Upgrades Tactical Shield Manipulation Advanced Weapon Upgrades Gunnery Sharpshooter Small Hybrid Turret Weapon Upgrades Ice Harvesting Industry Mining Mining Upgrades Refining Leadership Analytical Mind Clarity Eidetic Memory Empathy Focus Instant Recall Iron Will Learning Logic Presence Spatial Awareness Hull Upgrades Jury Rigging Launcher Rigging Mechanic Repair Systems Salvaging Shield Rigging Cruise Missile Specialization Cruise Missiles Guided Missile Precision Heavy Missile Specialization Heavy Missiles Missile Bombardment Missile Launcher Operation Missile Projection Rapid Launch Rockets Standard Missiles Target Navigation Prediction Torpedo Specialization Torpedoes Warhead Upgrades Afterburner Evasive Maneuvering Navigation Warp Drive Operation Astrogeology Cybernetics Infomorph Psychology Science Connections Diplomacy High Tech Connections Military Connections Negotiation Social Battlecruisers Caldari Battleship Caldari Cruiser Caldari Frigate Caldari Industrial Destroyers Exhumers Gallente Frigate Marauders Mining Barge Spaceship Command Contracting Describe All Characters Assets: List Characters Assets: golem Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: How many Alts are on your Account?: Additional Information Total ISK 105906354 Account for Sale Main Character Information Male Caldari on Tranquility Account Information Main Character Skill Points: 6000000 List Skills, Specs, and Implants: All mining Skills needed, Can fly battleships and is short of flying an Orca Describe All Characters Assets: List Characters Assets: A lot of minerals, and different mining assets List Characters Assets: a lot of tritanium and BPC Contracts up for sale Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: 20000000 How many Alts are on your Account?: Alternate Character Race: Minmatar Alternate Character Skill Points: 1300000 Additional Information Total ISK 3000000 Account for Sale Main Character Information Male Caldari on Tranquility Account Information Main Character Skill Points: 23000000 List Skills, Specs, and Implants: tech 2 ships Describe All Characters Assets: Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: How many Alts are on your Account?: Additional Information Total ISK 0 Account for Sale Main Character Information Male Caldari on Tranquility Account Information Main Characters Skill Points: 82477030 Main Characters Attributes: Yes Charisma: 17 Intelligence: 20 Memory: 16 Perception: 22 Willpower: 15 Main Characters Group: mercs Main Characters Total Number Of Skills: 204 List Skills, Specs, and Implants: full set of plus 3's Describe All Characters Assets: List Characters Assets: Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: 250000000 How many additional characters are on your account?: Alternative Characters Race: Caldari Alternative Characters Skill Points: 200000 Alternative Characters Attributes: empire alt List Skills, Specs, and Implants: Additional Information lvl 5 capitol pilot titan ready need the skill book Total ISK 950000000 Account for Sale Main Character Information Male Caldari on Tranquility Account Information Main Character Skill Points: 36000000 List Skills, Specs, and Implants: caldari missle fighting plus 5's and 4s all learning maxed out Describe All Characters Assets: Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: How many Alts are on your Account?: Additional Information Total ISK 2000000 Account for Sale Main Character Information Male Caldari on Tranquility Account Information Main Character Skill Points: 27498084 List Skills, Specs, and Implants: Full Improved, all high quality Describe All Characters Assets: List Characters Assets: Ships, weapons, ore, loot, Navy Raven, Rokh, T2 Ships, T2 Items, Over 200+ Blueprints orginals and copies worth in ecess of 1 billion isks Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: 2000000000 How many Alts are on your Account?: Additional Information Everything is up to lv 4 mostly ,Good mission runner and PVP, Training Mining Barge lv 5 now ETA 8 days, Could be a captial pilot with in 19 days if finial L5 skill were trained , Missiles All T2 Total ISK 102508093 Account for Sale Main Character Information Male Caldari on Tranquility Account Information Main Characters Skill Points: 25000000 Main Characters Attributes: Main Characters Group: pve/pvp Main Characters Total Number Of Skills: 25000000 List Skills, Specs, and Implants: a very focused 100% caldari pilot with all T2 ship skills to lvl 5 SKILLS ======================================================================= Corporation Management, 0 Skill, 0 Points ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Drones, 10 Skills, 2,338,874 Points ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Electronics, 16 Skills, 3,479,430 Points ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Engineering, 16 Skills, 5,828,550 Points ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Gunnery, 12 Skills, 2,596,288 Points ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Industry, 2 Skills, 500 Points ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Leadership, 2 Skills, 527,530 Points ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Learning, 11 Skills, 4,632,000 Points ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Mechanic, 8 Skills, 1,521,805 Points ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Missile Launcher Operation, 22 Skills, 11,693,374 Points ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Navigation, 7 Skills, 1,988,564 Points ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Planet Management, 0 Skill, 0 Points ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Science, 11 Skills, 1,125,432 Points ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Social, 3 Skills, 181,270 Points ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Spaceship Command, 17 Skills, 18,396,356 Points ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Trade, 0 Skill, 0 Points ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Describe All Characters Assets: Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: How many additional characters are on your account?: Additional Information not sure on the price thats why i want a quote so have put this at 2500 Total ISK 1000000 Account for Sale Main Character Information Male Caldari on Tranquility Account Information Main Character Skill Points: 4879068 List Skills, Specs, and Implants: Mining V Mining Upgrades IV Scordite Processing IV Pyroxeres Processing IV Refining V Veldspar Processing IV Leadership II Mining Foreman II most learning skills IV Astro Rigging IV Hull Upgrades I Jury Rigging III Mechanic III Astrogeology V Cybernetics III Science IV Exhumers IV Mining Barge V Spaceship Command IV Destroyers I Electronics V Shield/Shield Upgrades/Shield Comp skills ALL 2+ Describe All Characters Assets: List Characters Assets: Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: How many Alts are on your Account?: Additional Information Character is a nearly perfect miner character. I will include his Email address information INCLUDING password and secret questions, as used for all correspondance with CCP and as listed on his Eve account. Total ISK 2000000000 Account for Sale Main Character Information Male Caldari on Tranquility Account Information Main Character Skill Points: 4000000 List Skills, Specs, and Implants: Describe All Characters Assets: Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: How many Alts are on your Account?: Alternate Character Race: Gallente Alternate Character Skill Points: 1600000 Additional Information Total ISK 15000000