Selling EUW LoL acc Plat 3 for Blizzard acc with HotS and Diablo 3

Discussion in 'Heroes of the Storm Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/31/15.

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  1. Games

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    I want to trade my League of legends account,that's currently Plat 3,finished Plat 5 season 4 (got boarder,icon and etc.) for Blizzard account with Heroes of the Storm and Diablo 3 BOUGHT!

    Here's the info about the account:

    Server: EUW

    Division: Platinum 3,Platinum 5 season 4

    Champions: 80 champions

    Skins:16 skins total-Shockblade zed,SPIRIT GUARD UDYR,Redeemed Riven,Battle Bunny Riven,DRAGONBLADE RIVEN,Imperial Lux,Gladiator Draven,Void Nocturne,Mercenary Katarina,Muay Thai Lee Sin,Victorious Morgana,Tundra Hunter Warwick,Glaive Warrior Pantheon,Ice Drake Shyvana,Runeguard Volibear...

    Runes:Alot of runes

    Comes with the original E-mail and other Information about the account!

    Pm me here,or add me on skype: haker4eto0o01 for more info and so we can discuss it
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