Sold ( EUW ) ( Diamond elo with high MMR SET 7 ) ( 24 Skins ) ( 2 Times buy TFT Pass+ )

Discussion in 'Teamfight Tactics Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Joliar, 10/11/22.

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  1. Joliar

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    Hey guys :cool:

    this is my smurf account but my frineds gave me some Riot Point so i can't refund that Riot Point to my Main Account because its a gift i dont need it and i need the money and that is why i want sell this account !

    24 Skin include Epic Skins
    - star forger Ao Shin LV 3
    - Sentinel Hauntling
    - SkyDance Molediver
    - Pumbed up Ossia
    - Dragon Dancer Ossia LV 3
    - Regal Koi Star Maw

    and 8 Arena Skins
    include 2 Epic
    - Dragon Nursery
    - Grotto of the secret SPA

    550 Start Shards
    200 Riot Point
    7780 Orange Essence

    i only need 30 $ , have a good day <3

    Discord : Joliar#4524

    #1 Joliar, 10/11/22
    Last edited: 10/12/22
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