Sold  Android and iOS  High End European Server, High End Account VIP 6

Discussion in 'Game of Sultans Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by bQuiet, 8/1/21.

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  1. bQuiet

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    It was such a good journey, but that is it for me,
    Here are some details about the account,
    Feel free to leave a comment if you're curious about something,

    Power 580M
    VIP 6, Halfway to VIP 7,
    1st in Power,
    2nd in intimacy
    1st in Pet Ranking

    I'm halfway on catching my second Unique Forces Vizier

    Viziers 48/72:
    - Foreign Legends 5/5
    - Unique Forces 1/2 (Leo)
    - Imperial Shield 1/3 (Nasuh)
    - Desert Simurgh 3/3
    - The Outstanding Four 4/4
    - The Magnificent Five 5/5
    - The Gallants 5/5
    - The Braves 5/5
    - Experienced Forces 4/4
    - Loyal Forces 5/5
    - Wise Forces 5/5
    - Military Forces 5/5

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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