Discussion in 'Ragnarok Mobile Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by kuroky, 12/17/19.

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  1. kuroky

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    Most of my services requires me logging in to your account. If you are skeptical about giving me your login info, you can use a "Cloud Emulator" so you don't have to give your Gmail/FB login credentials. All you have to give me is the access to the cloud emulator. If you don't know what a cloud emulator is, you can contact me and I'll show it to you.

    Don't hesitate to contact me, if you have any questions/inquiries:
    Discord: KuroKing#1114
    FB: https://www.Facebook..com/KuroKingMM/

    Zeny Bus/Stock Market | $2.5 per M
    This service is "Pure Zeny" to your account. Basic concept of the service is to manipulate the "Exchange" to skyrocket a certain item's price. It is a simple concept that when supply is low, price tend to go up.

    Needs start up Zeny/Capital. If you don't have the zeny needed, we can gift it to you but you have to pay for the gift price as well.
    • Requires to login to your account twice. First when service is starting and second is when service is ending.
    • 1-2 hours when starting and up to 3 hours when ending.
    • 4-5 days process could be more depending on the situation
    • 30M Zeny minimum order | Capital needed is 10M Zeny. Basically we can triple your starting capital. So if your ordering 60M Zeny, you would need a 20M capital.
    • Gift Price: $5.5 | Can gift you the items needed if you don't have the zeny capital needed.

    BossHunt/MVP Hunt Leech Service | $2.5 per M
    We will leech your account on Bosshunt. For this, you will be getting rare mats/equips that you can sell on exchange. So computation will be based on mats/equips looted.
    • We will need to login and be the one to control your account when service is happening.
    • 20M minimum order
    • 10M-20M a day (Really depends on luck/droprate)
    • We only compute mats/equips that are easily sellable on exchange. We don't include in the computation stuff that are not selling like Ivory Lance, Cat's Blessing, Blueeve etc.
    Leveling Service | $3.5/HR
    • HighWiz max MS/FP leeching in GH Culvert
    • Spot where it can hit 9 mobs (Injustice, sting, anolian)
    • Leecher will leech your account when it's stamina is red so you get the maximum loots and exp
    Devil Wing Service | $30
    • We will farm all the materials needed for Devil Wing.
    • Shiny Quest GH Hall & Chivalry
    • Special Mob Collection GH Hall & Chivalry
    • SMVP not included
    Gifting | $6.5 per M
    If you don't know what gifting is, it is the most straightforward way of buying something in ROM. Tell me what do you want in exchange, and I will send it to you as a gift as long as the item/equips you want is available in exchange.

    Ghostrade | $1.5 per M
    Ghostrade in simple explanation: If you have ever experience selling a piece of equips on exchange, and it just keeps on expiring meaning no one wants to buy it, I will buy that item for you. This is the simplest way I can think of to explain ghostrade.

    But of course there's more to it like making your item unique by putting a refine or getting lucky and hitting a 4th enchant on your item.


    Main mode of Payment: Paypal
    Talk to me if you can't pay via Paypal
    I accept other modes of payment as long as it's applicable to me
    Western Union, Xoom etc..​
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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