All the Cardbacks 100 gold 550 Dust Playmode wins:455 Arena wins:73 Hero levels Mage: 35 Shaman:40 Druid:24 Paladin:31 Warlock:26 Hunter:19 Warrior:17 Rogue:23 Priest:20 Epic cards Preparation Kidnapper x2 Force of nature Pyroblast Sword of Justice Avenging Wrath Cabal Shadow Priest Earth Elemental x2 Doomhammer Bane of doom x2 Doomsayer Blood Knight Legenderay Cards Nat Page Ysera Leeroy Malygos Deathwing Have got almost all the common and rare cards I'm looking for 80$. I won't go first, skype if you're interested : murat.destan I am the original owner of this account. I'll provide you any information you need (email, secret question, anything you need).