Sold Eu striker 273/287/322 , infinite potions, vell, pet tier 5, dream

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by RiverHulk, 5/24/23.

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  1. RiverHulk

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    Discord to contact: Lightfall#5773

    Striker Lv. 62 274/287/322
    - EQ worth easily over 120B - 150B +
    - Vell
    - HP infinite potion
    - MP infinite potion (just missing a few weak quests to finish)
    - Dream horse
    - Value Pack for - 86 days ( you can use when you like )
    - Kama for 82 days ( you can use when you like )
    - Book of old moon 61 days ( you can use when you like )
    - around 14 bil silver
    - lots of other stuff: BMC Viper - 42 , Cobelinus - 25, Harphia - 21.

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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