Sold [EU] SS Liv, S Kamui, SS Bianca, 3x6 star weapon and monthly pack

Discussion in 'Punishing Gray Raven Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Mazenn74, 7/29/21.

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  1. Mazenn74

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    I offer you my very rich account.
    The count is level 53 and has:
    - a character of rank S, Kamui, with his 6-star weapon and 6-star equipment.
    - a character in rank S who has been placed in rank SS, this is Liv, she also has her 6-star weapon and good equipment.
    - the account includes a large number of different characters.
    - 3 weapons 6 stars.
    - a multi for weapon (2500 tickets, it’s a gift)
    - the account can reach until the end of the lottery event, so you can acquire different rewards and...

    [EU] SS Liv, S Kamui, SS Bianca, 3x6 star weapon and monthly pack
    #1 Mazenn74, 7/29/21
    Last edited by a moderator: 4/29/23
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