Selling [[EU SERVER]] Selling lelev 52 assassin (didn't...

Discussion in 'C9 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Lung Daniel, 5/12/15.

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  1. Lung Daniel

    Lung Daniel
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    [[EU SERVER]] Selling lelev 52 assassin (didn't level it since i play just pvp) with +12 dragontooth permanent,+12 driving wind (best assassin bow so far) 4.000 attack,full soul set,Bless of badhbh cath auspiece,Knight rank in pvp,lots of gears. [Price 400m or trade for Steelbreaker or Blood sword+ soul set fighter(any) [[EU SERVER]] Selling level 67 gunslinger with +14 mastet musket level 60 +2% attack power on it and dual guns master lvl 60 +13 +2% ap on it,bless of badhbh cath,Sabrina's wing soul set,full 25* books,6.700 attack price=[500m in gold or 100$ or trade for stonebreaker or gears for fighter. Manny gears m me what u got.]
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