[EU] Selling SHINOBI! Swordsman3-Peltasta-Corsair2-Shinobi Server: Fedimian LVL: 225 TP: 333 Silver: 3mil. Premium: 40 more days Skill reset potion, Stat reset potion. Price: 170$ Paypal or 195$ via playerup My skype: localghost1 Awesome melee-dd. Shinobi clones copy all swordsman skill you are using, potential 18 Double-slashes in a shorttime window with 5 clones active. Its instant-gg to everyone in PVP and solid PvE damage. PVP with Invisibility, Evasion dual-wield tank with corsair Jolly Roger lvl 10 - wanted in every group! Good gear, additional 3 millions of silver to buy whatever you want.