Sold [EU] selling acc 510K bp - all characater Shiga too LV60 with 110 event tick

Discussion in 'My Hero Academia The Strongest Hero Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Evelynn_666, 7/22/21.

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  1. Evelynn_666

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    Selling my MHA TSH Account lv.60 NEAR 61 with 510.000 BP ( will be around 550K+ when doing Hero Rating ) on Region 2 (Rare server) i have all 6 star chips for all the S (not for Shigaraki because i just pulled him today 23/07/2021)

    I have all characters in the game and i have 110 recruit token to pull next pg so , next pg is assicured 100%
    I have 30 tickets for Event EXCards Pity on 50/100 on Support Cards Sniper
    My account is season 1 and 2 greatest hero in super arena pvp actually Rank 5...

    [EU] selling acc 510K bp - all characater Shiga too LV60 with 110 event tick
    #1 Evelynn_666, 7/22/21
    Last edited by a moderator: 4/21/23
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