Selling  EU s1 Selling 2mil+ Acc Good for pvp/pve

Discussion in 'Dragon Raja Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by kurly, 9/1/22.

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  1. kurly

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    My Location:
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    EU s1
    lvl 165 (rank 17 in lvl, limited ranked titles for new dungeons)
    2mil+ rating (well maintained and will continue playing until sold)
    $500 (#)
    Full lvl 15 core
    6 pink dracs rest are gold, 11 passives
    32 motors (2 gacha motors, 1 dismantle coup motor, divine mount and limited-time ones)
    Lots of avatars and frames
    Many fits/hairs (half overall unlocked) and 1 WEAP FIT (price is $1k normally)
    A lot of king's treasury, treasure of time, dismantle coups, auction points and gacha motor exchange coups saved up
    Payment by paypal/venmo/zelle
    Pm for more updated info disc kurly#0973

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