Paragon 1820 Whirlwind/Leapquake barb with 12 characters, 7 stash tabs and rare Wings of Valor, which are only available on accounts that pre-purchased the RoS expansion pack. Wings of Valor are available on US or EU server. Doesn't have necro pack. Season journey is completed,and I got the 7th stash tab. Gems are all 95+ (except Iceblink and Boon of the Hoarder, obviously) Btag change is still available. Pics available upon request. Asking $150. Payment via Paypal. Middleman can be used if you pay middleman fee. Discord: DustyOne#6945
Season 19 journey is completed now, so I have added two pets and a stash tab. I also ran the entire season journey on NA server, so this account has seven stash tabs on NA and eight stash tabs on EU and has a fully geared barb and Invoker's crusader on both servers.
Sure. Here you go. And the account now has necro pack and has 10 stash tabs on EU and 9 stash tabs on NA. Due to the new additions, price has been increased to $150. EU Valor account — ImgBB