Sold EU Ontari Archer 48 730+gs slayer 48 450+ gs

Discussion in 'Elyon Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by sellorda1, 2/6/22.

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  1. sellorda1

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    Im selling my Elyon Account with the original Email.
    On the Account are 2 T5 LUMI (Altar, Dragon) and a T4 Lumi (Arrow).
    1 T5 Premium Pet and 1 T5 Pet. Premium Pet got Magnetic IV.
    Archer GS is about 735+ and got 40%+.
    Slayer GS is about 450+ and got 1%. But you can gear the slayer easily. Got BT offhand purple and chest +8.
    On the ACC is more than 10m Gold and more than 5k Rubys.
    Premium Pass is active.
    Mana level 70.
    The Inventory on both - archer and slayer - are maximized.
    The storage...

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