Hi, i want to sell my Gunslinger Lv. 69 (74%) - 144k Gear Score. The Account has the Deluxe Pack (Founder) & Deluxe Collector Pack. Character Information: - 34 Arcane Arts Cultivation Points - Lv. Full 3 & 4 PvP/PvE Marks - Break Essence 330 | Defense Essence 224 Premium: - Premium Service 3 x 30 Day - Battle Boost 2 x 30 Day - Progress Boost 2 x 30 Day - Explorer's Boost 2 x 30 Day Items: - Many SoulCrystals - 104 Mittite | 6 x 99 Commerce Center Cash | 109 Civilized Texts | 17 Dour Tome Mounts/Wings: - Class Mount | Misha (Fyling Cat) | ImperialAries | Frost Lens - Silvermoon | Rose Flower http://prnt.sc/f3xwuq http://prnt.sc/f3xwyp http://prnt.sc/f3xyuo Pay Information: - PayPal - 200€