Sold EU-Moogle 2 characters 2 houses and all crafters 70

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIV FFXIV Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by FFOlgamer, 10/20/17.

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  1. FFOlgamer

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    2 characters 2 houses and all crafters 70

    The 20th October 2017 :

    88 days paid for playing
    28 days for 6 retainers remaining

    This account was account from an hardcore gamer, with many titles, achievment, all tribe reputation done (except last new one).
    There's almost 3 months remaining on playtime, 1 for the retainers (all are level 70), all crafters are 70 (with last gears update on one character).

    I spent en lot of time in that game but now i can't anymore, buyer will be happy with all that stuff/gear, house ecc.... !

    Houses :

    Shirogane plot 7 (Large Rank 8 FC house with 4 Airships level max, i'm Gm in it) + small personnal house : plot 6 (just in front) : those 2 house cost is 50 Million Gils with various item of housing in and last skin crafted.


    First character :
    War ilvl 340 (with o4s weapon),
    Drk ilvl 336
    Pld ilvl 336
    Ninja ilvl 334 (with o4s weapon),
    Astro ilvl 317 (with o4s weapon)
    69 Mounts , 220+ Minions, all tribe reputation max except last stormblood one.
    1100+ Point Achievment.

    A lot of item from special event.
    All content up to date.

    http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1508510024/ixooautc5w3dkphbnvfm.jpgSecond character :
    War i340 (o4s weapon)
    Pld i340 (o4s weapon)
    Drk i340 (o4s weapon)
    Smn i334 (o4s weapon)
    Rdm i330
    Sch i320


    If you're interested, send me an offer via PM, i'm able to do a safe trade using discord or teamspeak giving you all information needed to make this account yours !
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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