Selling  Europe  High End Eu Master leauge level 90 account with lots of kredits

Discussion in 'Warface Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Adam Shepherd, 3/28/19.

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  1. Adam Shepherd

    Adam Shepherd
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    Hey everybody, I'd like to sell my greatly equipped warface account because im in lack of time, and don't have time to play it.
    The account is containing the following items:
    Kredit box weapons:

    Rifleman:-Beretta arx160 with all the skins, Hera arms CQR, m249 para, FN SCAR-H, Earth shaker ACR, Enfield, Ak-103 evil santa, type 97, ACR, Ak alpha , Fn-fal , HCAR , m16a3, earth shaker type 97
    Medic:-Uzkon,golden Fabarm SFT, Earth shaker accuracy seven , Mag 7 , fabarm sat 8 pro , normal fabarm, normal accuracy seven , gold saiga bullpup, gold dp12, winchester 1887, fabarm xlr 5 prestige
    Engineer:- Black shark xm8 compact, cz scorpion evo, Desert Tech, Scar-L pdw, magpul, Earth shaker acr cqb, honey badger
    Sniper:-CDX-MC kraken, steyr scout,Earth shaker mcmilan, icebreaker steyr scout, HK g28, Dragunov, remington msr, DSA SA58 SPR, Bushmaster, m14 crazy horse, Earth shaker ax308, regular ax308 , gold steyr scout

    Pistols:- R8 Revolver , stechkin aps, sig sauer p226, icebreaker sig sauer p226, cz76 czechmate parrot, earth shaker glock

    Knives: Utra marine, Cleaver, Machete, Jagdkommando, ice-axe, atlas tactical axe , carbon bowie knife

    Armors for sniper: Full absolute power set, full syndicate set , full opencup set , full warlord set , full christmas set
    Armors for engineer: full syndicate set, full opencup set, full warlord set, full christmas set
    Armors for medic: full syndicate set, full opencup set, full warlord set, full christmas set
    Armors for rifleman: full syndicate set, full opencup set, full warlord set, full christmas set

    Skins: got a few body skins, and a lot of weapon skins

    Account KDR: 1,8
    In addition the account has 1 066 006 Wf$ , 31558 Kredits, 8700 crowns and i have syndicate acces, with 125 V , and 135 IV resources, so it ain't that much time to unlcock the 3rd gun from it.

    If you are interested and want more detail contact me.
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