I am selling my EU Hearthstone account, with 7 legendaries: Tirion Fordring Al'akir the Windlord Cairne Bloodhoof Golden Onyxia - can disenchant for 1600 dust to craft any other legendary for free Alexstrasza Old Murk-Eye The Beast I have most of the cards unlocked, with all murlocs, total account level is 255 with 273 total play mode wins and 424 arena wins. I am quite good at arena so I can get money / dust if required before I hand over the account. I am the original owner of this account, and can provide picture-proof of any cards I have upon request. Price = 30 Euros Contact me on skype: iagoar Got enough dust for another legendary now, so 8 legendaries total. Also got bloodmage thalnos now, 9 legendaries in total.