Acc stats: 51K Battles, wn8 2400+ , wr 56+, New rating 8700+(In case you care about old rating for advances 9500+). A lot of: improved equipment, boosters, blueprints, crew books, stacked crews+20 new recruits, special camos, 3D Styles... Total tier X in garage 55. Total tanks 195, special tanks 146. Special tanks: T X*10 ( Chiefftain, 907, VK 72, Obj 780, 114 SP2, Carro...) T IX*4 (Concept 1B, KPZ 50t...) T VIII*45 T VII*15 ( E 25, 13 57 GF...) T VI*17 Rest *49 ( KV 220, Pz B2, PZ II J...) Full access. Created in 2013( it gets all universary rewards). ~~~Price can go down in case of serious buyer. ~~~ If you need more inormations about account feel free to message me.