Selling  Europe  High End  Original Owner (Yes) EU, FOE 3 world Account , 5 years active, Fel Dranghyr (main world) Arvahal/Brisgard (Diamond Farms)

Discussion in 'Forge of Empires Accounts For Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Mark Matthews, 9/6/22.

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  1. Mark Matthews

    Mark Matthews
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    My Location:
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    Main World

    Fel Dranghyr, Oceanic Future (Very Close to Virtual Future)
    Total Points 75M, 3.2G Coins, 900M Supplies

    Castle System/Viking Settlements (NOT completed)

    500fp Average Daily Collection
    8.4M Medals + City Boosts Coin 377% Supplies 378%
    Attacking units (Att 517%, Def 520%)
    Defending units (Att 178%, Def 362%)

    (Useful Gbs Not Yet Built, A.I Core, Flying Island, Star Gazer

    Current GBs

    The Arc 82
    The Kraken 60

    Alcatraz 62
    Arctic Orangery 60
    Cape Canaveral 60
    Castel Del Monte 62
    Cathedral of Aachen 60
    Chateau Frontenac 56
    Deal Castle 12
    Galata Tower 15
    Hagia Sophia 50
    Himeji Castle 43
    Innovation Tower 60
    Lighthouse of Alexandria 37
    Observatory 16
    Space Carrier 22
    St Basils Cathedral 11
    St Marks Basilica 15
    Statue of Zues 60
    Temple of Relics 14
    Terracotta Army 45
    The Virgo Project 10

    18 Wishing Wells + 36 on Brisgard and 44 on Arvahal = 98 + 5 Fountain of Youth

    Other City GBs are N/B = Not Built
    The Arc 86 89
    The Kraken N/B

    Alcatraz 50 61
    Arctic Orangery N/B 60
    Cape Canaveral 60 64
    Castel Del Monte 82 80
    Cathedral of Aachen 48 34
    Chateau Frontenac 55 57
    Deal Castle N/B
    Galata Tower 18 20
    Hagia Sophia 48 61
    Himeji Castle 51 54
    Innovation Tower 61 60
    Lighthouse of Alexandria 44 25
    Observatory 12 24
    Space Carrier N/B N/B
    St Basils Cathedral N/B N/B
    St Marks Basilica 24 24
    Star Gazer 11 N/B
    Statue of Zues 48 35
    Temple of Relics 44 21
    Terracotta Army N/B N/B
    The Virgo Project N/B N/B

    Arvahal is Contemporary Era with 3 irreplaceable Hover Tanks from Future Era
    Brisgard is Industrial Age
    Both Cities can Easily Complete Guild Expeditions and fight with Arvahal and Brisgards Att and Def Values helping
    Arvahal City Boosts Brisgard City Boosts
    Coin 360%, Supply 357% Coin 350%, Supply 250%
    Attacking units (att 353%, Def 402%) Attacking units (Att 281%, Def 247%)
    Defending unites (att 23%, Def 371%) Defending units (Att 31%, Def 184%)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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