Sold [EU] Fedimian - Selling Sessil, Max Peta,...

Discussion in 'Tree of Savior Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rob Bradford, 6/9/16.

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  1. Rob Bradford

    Rob Bradford
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    [EU] Fedimian - Selling Sessil, Max Peta, Mana-mana, Maga Bow and other Hello, i want sell next on [EU] Fedimian server: - 2xSissel Bracelet - Max Petamion - Manamana 1xGreen Gem 5 lvl + Awakening - 20 phys attack - +3 Maga Bow 3xGreen Gem 5 lvl - Isbality - +5 Viper + Awakening - 12 crit rate ~ also 7m silver Accept PayPal or WMZ.
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