Selling  High End  Android and iOS EU Endgame Warrior 68cp pvp 71cp pve, toons 50cp+ (all without buffs) + 350k gems

Discussion in 'Darkness Rises Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Jaca569, 5/25/21.

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  1. Jaca569

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    For sale top EU warrior Something about warrior:
    -All colector costume buffs completed (despite samurai), including Regina wings,
    -Weapon +15(pvp) is temporal, +12(pvp) is vital (3% for 12s), +10(pve) brutal,
    -Camp is almost maxed (gems mine is 12lv),
    -All runes are s++,
    -With superiors and pet def pen+ def pen res easily over 70m cp PvP,
    -Cp pve is over 71m without buffs,
    -All jewels s++,
    -Full gilded,
    -Best pet: def pen inc 9,9% & def pen res 9,6% and much more pets 70lv,
    -All gear/acc over 80+10,

    About toons:
    -All of them has pvp def pen in magicites,
    -All have both pvp and pve L sets (and pvp battle sets),
    -3 of them have brutal, 2 temporal and one (assasin) is vital,
    -All have minimum 2 pets 70lv, mostly atak+ def pen or def pen + def pen res,
    -With each toon (despite assasin) u can easily complete phrase 3 abyss,
    -all essences and skills are maxed,
    -All have pretty nice runes for every game mod,
    -All have tower 200lv (over 2k gems per day only for tower),
    -All have tier 28.

    For more screens write me on discord J4c4#6923

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