Selling  Android  High End  Original Owner (Yes) EU Dante Akuma Bison Rose Fashion Blanka Gen Juri Over 150 summon 53k gems 80

Discussion in 'Street Fighter Duel Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Taz786, 5/10/23.

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  1. Taz786

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    Streetfighter Duel account for sale only £80 but open to offers. Willing to accept payment via paypal or mid-man (any fees will be buyers responsibility)

    Sadly having to sell off my SFD account cheaply. Plenty of resouces as can be seen by the pics

    Hero's are as follows:

    Latest info as of 11th May 23 are as follows:

    Abel (5 copy spare)
    Akuma A+ [1 faction equipt]
    Beast Zangief SSS Fighting Spirit 21 [equipt +0 +1 +0 +1] - Vehicles SSS SS SS SS S SS (1 copy spare)
    Blanka SS Fighting Spirit 1 (6 copy spare)
    C. Viper+ S+ (4 copies - can get 1 more copy via chest)
    Cammy S+ [equipt +0 +1 +0 +1] (2 copy spare)
    Chun-Li+ S+ (1 copy spare) [equipt +1 +1 +1 +1]
    Combat Guile A+ (6 copies)
    Dante A
    Dhalsim+ S+ [equipt +1 +0 +1 +1]
    E. Honda+ S+ (3 copy spare)
    Elena SSS 1* 220 446k Power Fighting Spirit 21 [equipt +1 +1 +1 +1] - Vehicles SS S SS SS SS SSS
    Fashion Blanka Linked to an S+ Hero
    Gen A+ (1 copy spare) - will be getting 1 more copy in a few days time
    Gore Magala Ken A
    Guile+ S+ [equipt +0 +1 +0 +0]
    Juri A+ [1 faction equipt]
    M. Bison SS Fighting Spirit 8 [equipt +0 +1 +1 +1]
    Mad Ryu SSS 1* 220 483k Power Fighting Spirit 21 [equipt +2 +1 +1 +1] - Vehicles SS SS SSS S SS SS
    Mayor Cody SS (2 spare copies)
    Rose S [equipt +0 +1 +1 +0] - Will be S+ in a few days time (1 copy spare)
    Street Poison (5 copies)
    Trendy Cammy A [1 faction equipt]

    5.1m Total Power
    53k Gems
    45m Cash
    55 Special Summon Tickets for Akuma or for Dante (the new hero being added to the game from Devil May Cry DMC)
    128 Arcade Coin Summons (Std Summons)
    4 Faction Coin Summons (Blue)
    SSS Vehicle Kit Chest (random SSS vehicle)
    SS Vehicle Kit Chest (random SS vehicle)
    15 Boost Stone Kit (for faction boosting)
    1 St Patrick Chest (to get 1 copy of either Blanka, Abel or C Viper)

    Fighting Heart at lvl 20 (ALL

    EX-Moves Opened up
    Chains of Guilt lvl 20
    Natures Advent lvl 20
    Tanuki Whirl lvl 20
    Crimson Lotus Flame lvl 20
    Crazy Potato lvl 10
    Toxic Love lvl 10
    Only Missing 5 EX-Moves (inc 3 special one's Akuma & Gore Magala Ken)

    Hope the new buyer enjoys the game as much as Ive been doing. Good Luck

    Easiest place to contact me is Discord : Thetazman786#0687

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    #1 Taz786, 5/10/23
    Last edited: 5/11/23
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  2. OP

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    Just got Dante :)

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  3. OP

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    My Location:
    New Items as of 16.5.23 (16th May 23)

    Blanka SS Fighting Spirit 1 [equip't +0 +1 +0 +0] (6 copy spare) - NEW
    Fashion Blanka Linked to an S+ Hero Fighting Spirit +8 - NEW
    M. Bison SS Fighting Spirit 16 [equipt +0 +1 +1 +1] - NEW
    Rose S+ [equipt +0 +1 +1 +0] - NEW
    Street Poison A+ [equip't +0 +1 +0 +0] - NEW
    Trendy Cammy A [2 faction equipt] - NEW

    5.3m Total Power - NEW
    61k Gems - NEW
    42m Cash - NEW
    85 Special Summon Tickets for Akuma or for Dante (the new hero being added to the game from Devil May Cry DMC) - NEW
    156 Arcade Coin Summons (Std Summons) - NEW
    15 Faction Coin Summons (Blue) - NEW
    37 Boost Stone Kit (for faction boosting) - NEW
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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