Sold [EU]Best offer

Discussion in 'Blade & Soul Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Fushiraa, 12/6/16.

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  1. Fushiraa

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    I want to sell my account because i got borred of BnS

    Account have Premium membership Rank 10 and 54 days left
    hm11 Assassin with 710ap (have enought ap do go everyone place) Have all hm skills except the worst last)(6vs6 Rank gold and give good reward)(have legendary pvp ss 1-5 and pve 2 and 3)

    Im original owner of account i play since beta is 100% secure

    Contains unaviable never again founder pack`s outfits valorated in 120Euros

    Weapon have 5 gems one is 35ap very expensive gem and other 4 hard to get ap gems with stats all hexagonals http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1481038786/xfl8zqdvabffsrztyqoe.jpg

    Have Griffin pet stage 10 http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1481038981/r1rlqy2t5kakxqknce2r.jpg
    Have lvl 47 wl with 320ap contains weapon lvl up elements and 9k zen beans
    Account have other some events outfits I spend more than 1k euros in this account
    PRICE IS 450Euros or 500USD via PayPal if you want additional inf add me Skype noxioushorse8 if you want buy it send the email to [email protected] Better offer you do not fing limited time.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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