Sold EU accout hunter,champion,minstrel

Discussion in 'LOTRO Lords of the Rings Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Lotrobussniesman, 6/5/17.

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  1. Lotrobussniesman

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    Want to sell accout on EU server with lv 105 hunter,lv 105 champion lv 105 minstrel and lv 95 captain.
    Acccount has all the expansions,40k gold-
    Hunter has 83 class points,all virtues and stat tomes maxed out and done 80%of deeds in game and 95%+quests in game.
    Hunter is fully geared with throne t2ch gear and has all golden ithlien essences for pvp build+glass cannon build all ithlien golden essences of agility,fully golden and updgraded jewlary and braclets.R7
    Since hunter has challager of gothmog title you can trade throne gear for minstrel and champion.Account has 15 helms and 400ish ithlin coins.

    Champion and minstrel need work on virtues and gear.
    Account has fully p2w ba and haves 0 bans.
    Can provide skype in private msg if anyone has intres to buy accout.
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