Selling EU Account of Lostsaga (Nexon) Total of 15 characters permanent AND MORE

Discussion in 'Lost Saga Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 3/4/15.

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  1. Games

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    EU Account of Lostsaga (Nexon)
    Total of 15 characters permanent
    Around lvl 50 or higher
    Gladiator with high upgrades
    Medic high upgrade of drain and horn
    Ice mage high upgrade of cd and damage
    Desperado with damage
    11 characters under 50
    Of course all have gears and i have my inventory w lot of gears.(not joking i have a long list of gears)
    Special medals of events with nice stats.
    Also i have premium hero.
    All characters have female styles.
    - Gear sealers for sell at market.
    - Legendary gears
    - +100k of pesos
    - Tracket box slot i bough additional slots
    - Buddy slot

    I enter everyday in my account so the amount of pesos is growing everyday.

    Ok, i want to explain why i'm not giving you full details of the account. Easy because nexon could ban my account because as everyone know lostsaga is a small game and the people know all about you and i want to be careful w this account because i don't want to loose my account.
    Remember you can ask me in Skype but i can tell you detailed information.

    Skype: Siel.Aupa

    Only Accepting Via PayPal and EUR currency
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