Sold Eu Account - 6 Ult / 9 Max Trans - 9K+ Rubies - 650 T. Essences

Discussion in 'Dragon Blaze Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by TakaNaoki, 1/24/18.

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  1. TakaNaoki

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    Hello. I had a blast playing this game but now it's time to move on. I've put a lot of time and money into this game but due to some real life changes I cant play it properly anymore.

    I'll constantly log into the game to obtain Daily Bonuses and Daily Dungeon Items. So the Gil, Rubies and Shoes amount might change (in a good way of course).


    Account Details

    Every Main Char is on his Max Lvl (123)
    Paladin and Healer have fully unlocked Inventory Slots. The others are 3+.
    The Incanter MC is at +13 and the Paladin at +5.

    Gil: 950.000.000+
    Friend Points: 30.000+
    Raid Tickets: 5.500+
    Shoes: 1.200+
    T. Essences: 650+
    Arena Coins: 8.000+

    Rune Engravings are Lvl. 22~23 on all Jobs. I bought extra Daily Tickets to push it.
    Arena, Tag Match and Guild Rankings have always been under 5% and on Top 10 on all the other Guild Activities.
    World Boss Rankings are usually between 5~10% (except for Cerberus).


    Transcendet Heroes:

    T. Helios - ULT
    T. Atlas - ULT
    T. Belle Snow - ULT
    T. Windlune - ULT
    T. Margaret - ULT
    T. Shadowhowl - ULT

    T. Tethys - MAX
    T. Lucienne - MAX
    T. Manalandy - MAX
    T. Drunken Falcon - MAX
    T. Bliss Foxy - MAX
    T. Ravengale - MAX
    T. Llewelyn - MAX
    T. Greysoul - MAX
    T. Blackaria - MAX

    T. Kymael +3

    13 Buster Keys: Sasha, Ouranos, Gaia, Ragnarok, Epsilon, Thanatos, Tiehr, Helios, Tethys, Atlas, Omega, Askr and Stigma.


    I think that's all for now. If you have any further questions feel free to ask. This is my first time selling an account but I can assure you that I'm a serious seller.

    Payment via PayPal please.

    I do speak German and English (if that helps).
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