Selling EU account, 17.5k dust, all adventures, 39...

Discussion in 'Hearthstone Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by James Harle, 3/18/17.

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  1. James Harle

    James Harle
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    EU account, 17.5k dust, all adventures, 39 legendaries, 89 epics. 21 legendaries are from the adventures, but you also get: Ragnaros the Firelord Baron Geddon Sylvanas Ysera Alexstraza Onyxia Malygos Deathwing Dragonlord Malganis King Krush Acidmaw Gallywix Gormok Old Murk Eye Harrison Jones Leeroy Jenkins Mimirons Head and C'Thun The 17.5k dust is enough to craft almost 11 legendaries of your choice, and you can dust many of the legendaries that have rotated out - so a great opportunity to start with a solid collection or put together whatever deck you like. Looking for offers in the region of GBP100, PM me if interested for further details.
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