Selling EU 80+ 81rank 90% 100$

Discussion in 'Warface Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Patras, 8/26/17.

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  1. Patras

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    An account with steam lock with vac does not interfere with esl, opencup
    EU rank 81 and 90%

    GOLD FY 47,R249 PARA 100%,,MS RADEK atlas,Ay551 100% lmg kapov 100%

    FARARM ATF 12 GOLD, fararm sat pro 100%,ACCUARCY SEVER ES, gold FARARM SAT PRO 8,PEG H,G,C CUSTOM, fararm LTR6


    gold SMG-9 ARES, CCR CQB ES,EXAR-L PDW, ccr honey


    twm x308 100% sea scout 100% warface international 100% s60b3 100% miller Es

    gold Eagle , Ay p226 , otto w77,

    + jade dragon skins,desert camo m9a1,twm x308 hexagon Warface Anniversary skin,

    Atlas Of War

    [email protected] title: trade

    Don't try Scam Psc
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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