Sold EU 62lv Mystic 657GS (PC Website)

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by rendegade, 1/16/22.

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  1. rendegade

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    809 Blue loot scrolls in pearl inventory
    129 Yellow loot scrolls in Heidel storage
    Secret Book of Old moon total days = 211 NOT Activated
    Kama Blessing = 152 NOT Activated
    Inventory Slots 192 there is more in pearl inventory Worker Papus are for Crates in OWT
    Worker Fadus is for grana Crates(Money crates)
    Total of 58 workers , 8 of them are Arti Humans everything else is Arti Goblins
    There is an alt whit Master Farming
    T9 Uni whit Krogdalo Wind Gear
    6Billion Silver in Market Place
    32D Left of Value Pack
    23 Character Slots Bought out of 26 Available
    9x T4 Pets, 3x T3 and 1x T1 Pet , one of the T3's is Hedgehog
    The upgrades for Epheria Caravel are almot done , only need +10 Green parts , all the mats are acquired
    Muskan C9 , Leebur C9, Heve C6 , Kzarka C7
    Big Fail Stacks Only 162Fail Stack and 2x 100 Fail stacks,
    Pearl Shop Tent Bought too!
    If im missing something feel free to ask me here or in discord: renDegade#9999 , i can provide more specific screenshots if wanted
    There is screenshots for almost everything
    chars 1.png chars 2.png account.png Fairy.png gear.png Central market.png Chopping.png energy.png Grana crate worker.png OWT worker 1.png OWT worker 2.png OWT worker 3.png Worker empire.png calpheon.png caravel mats.png Epheria sailboat.png Grana.png heidel 1.png heidel 2.png horse.png manos.png pet 1.png pet 2.png pet 3.png velia.png Farming.png Screenshot_1.png
    pearl 1.png pearl 2.png
    pearl 3.png
    #1 rendegade, 1/16/22
    Last edited: 1/16/22
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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