Sold [EU] 61, 5x 56+, 7/7 TET boss items, master lifeskilling, pearl items

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by tuper, 2/17/17.

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  1. tuper

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    *lvl 61, 5x lvl 56 for fame system

    *warehouse with gear in it currently worth over 12 billion, have more money spread around the world and crates worth for over a billion more

    *master trading and high level life skills

    *Artisan workers with rare skills all over the world of BDO

    *nodes connected to almost every end game pve spot, level 10 and S grade knowledge on most end game places

    *2 pieces of archaeologist map

    *T8 horse with all skills, Camel with best skills

    * (current gear is: 7 tet boss items, TRI accessories , sharp alch stone, lifeskill alch stone)

    pearl items:
    * 1 storage maid
    * 1 marketplace maid
    * 9 pearl costumes, maid pearl costume (for processing), ghilie costume , preorder costume
    * 4 underwear types
    * head accessories
    * 4 months of value packs
    * horse costume
    * T8 horse with all skills rolled properly
    * increased inventory(2000 pearls+)
    * max weight (4600 pearls+)
    * T4,T3,T3,T3,T1,T1 pets
    * branded weapons and fishing rod
    (all this summed up is worth over 850 euro alone)

    Overall the account has everything right now and is set up for easy lifeskill money by fishing or processing + trading, there are workers prepared to do everything ,
    all houses needed are connected. All pve area nodes are high level with high knowledge if you ever feel like grinding. It has spare Kzarka and Nouver boxes atm and working on
    dandelion, if you want to make a reroll char so you already even own the weapons. (New class Dark Elf coming soon, you can use box for that). Can teach you how to use workers and life-skills if needed and you can make in game money by just being afk all day and only play when you feel like it because everything is set up.

    2200€ price

    pm if interested and willing to spend money and we can exchange skype
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