My personal EU WoT Unicum account with 4.5k+ dpg on all T10 and 3.1k dpg on all T8, many 3 MoEs, all meta premiums and T10 tanks and good acc economics for sale since I prefer LESTA more. THIS ACCOUNT COMES WITH THE NEEDED PROOFS OF ACCOUNT OWNERSHIP. IT MAY BE NEEDED LATER WHEN YOU TALK WITH WARGAMING SUPPORT. Account details: (as of 21.07.2024) 12000+ Gold 8.3k Bonds 73kk silver and 62kk more in consumables! A lot of unused camouflages (3D & CUSTOM STYLES & PRESET STYLES) and other unique staff such as all Girls und Panzer crews Tanks in garage : TIER X (21 tanks): Obj. 907 (max field mods) KPZ 07 P(E) (max field mods) VK 72.01 (K) 121B Hurricane 60TP (3 MoE) (max field mods) S. Conqueror (3 MoE) (max field mods) T110E5 (3 MoE) (max field mods) Ho-Ri 3 (3 MoE) (max field mods) EBR 105 (3 MoE) (max field mods) Rhm. Pzw. (2 MoE) (max field mods) Minotauro (3 MoE) (max field mods) Leopard 1 (max field mods) BZ-75 (max field mods) 113 (max field mods) CS-63 (max field mods) AMX 50B (max field mods) T57 Heavy (max field mods) TVP T 50/51 Maus IS-7 TIER VIII PREMIUMS (14 tanks): XM66F (3 MoE) Obj. 703 II (3 MoE) Turtle I Skoda T56 Bourrasque Progetto 46 (3 MoE) E75 TS M54 Renegade (3 MoE) Kpz 07 RH ASTRON Rex HWK 30 LT-432 Type 63 Type 5 Ka-Ri TIER IX and VIII (PREMIUMS available to restore): Tiger-Maus Chieftain P. TL-7 Obj. 752 T-44-100 (3 MoE) IS-3A Tornvagn 56TP GSOR 1010 Tier VII and lower tanks are on the images Images - Price: 150$ (possibly #) Feel free to contact me for more info . Contact: discord : metwotwo44