Selling  Dragonknight  PC  Europe ESO Eu Account CP 656

Discussion in 'Elder Scrolls Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Kingolli19, 7/26/19.

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  1. Kingolli19

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    Hi Guys,

    at first sorry for my bad english, I´m german. I´m selling my Eso-Account. Its based on PC EU Server. I´m currently at CP 656, but i didnt played ESO since winter 2017.

    It has 10 char places Templer highelf (equiped)

    2 nightblade Rothwardon (equiped)

    3 Templer woodelf (equiped)

    4 dragonknight darkelf (equiped)

    5 Dragonknight (char for items)

    6 templer darkelf (Char for Items)

    7 sorcerer khajiit (Char for Items)

    8 Low level pvp dragonknight

    9 Low level pvp sorcerer

    10 Low level pvp nightblade

    There is place for ca. 1500 Items

    Ca 50 Golden armor Items, many Sets für PvE / PvP

    Golden jewellery out of the Trials

    the gold of all chars together is maybe 200.000 or more

    950 Crones left

    Following DLCS are available:

    - Dark Brotherhood

    - Guilds and Glory

    - Imperial City

    - Orsinium

    - Shadows of the Hist

    - Thieves Guild

    PRICE IS 180 $ or 160 Euros

    Sadly i cannot attach files. Conntact me over my email fpr screens of the account and some pics of the bank items.

    [email protected]

    I actually dunno how the traiding here works but i defenitly want a payment via paypal as a friend! You want a middleman? Okay explain it to me and we can do it. If there are any extra costs, you have to pay for it.

    Cheers :)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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