Sold Erudite Designs | Low prices

Discussion in 'Web Design Services for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Nulled - Graphics, 12/5/18.

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  1. Nulled - Graphics

    Nulled - Graphics
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    Buy 3 userbars and get $5 knocked off the total price.

    Buy 5+ userbars and get 1 for free.

    1. You are prohibited from stealing or using my work unless it has been paid for by you or whomever paid for it said you can.
    2. I am permitted to use the work in my portfolio.
    3. The PSD is provided for free so please don't ask for it.
    4. I will not keep a PSD if I do not find it necessary to, so please keep the PSD I provide safe in case you want it edited.
    5. Please be respectful and credit my work if you're showing it off somewhere, I'm an attention whore ok... ;)
    6. You are prohibited from claiming my work as your own or re-selling it on to other people.
    7. Please don't send my any vague requests, please cover as much detail as you can when requesting a design.
    8. No refunds or chargebacks AT ALL.
    9. Follow the T.O.S.
    Vouches are welcome [​IMG]
    #1 Nulled - Graphics, 12/5/18
    Last edited by a moderator: 10/28/24
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