Error Rendering Menu

Discussion in 'Subnautica Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by vaisefud3, 12/6/17.

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  1. vaisefud3

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    Hey, I'm receiving a send error report when trying to render my menu...
    Can someone help me?

    void RenderMenu(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice);
    void MyMenu::RenderMenu(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice) {
    FillRGB_A(3, 3, 186, numtotal * 25 + 23, Black, pDevice);
    DrawBorder_A(1, 1, 190, 25, 2, White, pDevice);
    DrawBorder_A(1, 1, 190, (numtotal + 1) * 25 + 2, 2, White, pDevice);

    WriteText_A(pDevice, 15, 5, White, "CrossFire by Darkratos");

    if(numtotal > 0){
    for(int i = 0; i < numtotal; i++) {
    if(*MENU.var) {
    WriteText_A(pDevice, 95 - (getTextWidth(MENU.item) / 2), 30, MENU.colorON, MENU.item);
    WriteText_A(pDevice, 95 - (getTextWidth(MENU.item) / 2), 30, MENU.colorOFF, MENU.item);
    Am I missing something?
    If needed, I'll send more code.
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