73700 str., God of War *** 315+ xp, 88 lvl, IV Div. Old, no social or media activity. Captain in MU. Change name costs 5 gold. ALL MAX Q4 training grounds levels, 700+ hours of 90% training contracts. Q7 weapon firm, enough food factories not to buy any, some FRM and WRM to supply them for self-sustain. MAX +50 & +100 Energy Advanced buildings MAX Q5 rocket factory. 800+ Energy bars, 9 Rockets, 70+ Small Bombs, some food and weapon in 87k storage. 15'000 currency. Spanish citizenship. 3 active and 1 Free unused market licence. *** Total worth over 1500 gold only in buildings Current price 150 EURO 74300 str, 316+ xp, 80+ gold UPD: 75500+ str, 322+ k xp (89 lvl), 16500+ CC, 50+ gold, 1000+ training contract -90% hours, lots of 2, 8, 24h boosters, 90+ Small Bombs, 500+ Q7 weapons and some others, Q6 weapon firm Bonus: Program to automate routine tasks (not BOT tool, my own) only for money? i can offer League of legends account with many skins. Sorry, not interested in other games. Only money at the moment. UPD: 76500+ str, 327+ k xp (90 lvl), 16500+ CC, 100+ gold, 100+ Small Bombs, 600+ Q7 weapons and some others, 40+ damage boosters +50% Bonus is still active 120+ gold, 850+ Enery Bars 333k+ XP, 78k str.