Selling EPIC RR100 Black Orc - Squig Herder + Many alts I...

Discussion in 'Warhammer Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Warface Accounts - Buy Sell Trade, 8/9/13.

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  1. Warface Accounts - Buy Sell Trade

    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    EPIC RR100 Black Orc - Squig Herder + Many alts I want to sell my account becouse i got bored of the game after 3 years of hardcore toplane gaming. The account has Collectors Edition RR100 Black Orc Server: Karak Norn 5/5 off wf 2/5 def wf ( enough crestst to buy 3th piece i think or just do TI) 2 rr98 ws 2hander's 1 with +24 str and +24 ws tali and annother with +24 str and +180 armor tali Def rr100 2hander No off rr100 2hander cuz it sucks on BO rr100 def 1hander rr98 def shield rr98 dps cloak rr98 def cloak rr98 dps belt rr91 def belt LOTD 90mp cloak+jewel Melee absorb Settra ToVL Last boss epic looking cloak for appearance 2k+ gold 6+ 24str talis some other good talis i didnt really check 300+ 3k pots 100+ morale pots Alot of ptras + mats to make ptras 125 2290 30sec absorb pots **** load of apothecary lvl200 mats lvl 200 apothecary skill lvl 200 butchering skill Unlimited Chaos Black Dye And alot more of fine stuff RR100 Squig Herder Server: Badlands 4/5 off wf rr100 off bow rr100 off spear rr98 dps chest rr98 dps belt lotd 90rp cloak + belt lotd +60ws +90rp spear 3/5 glyphs (back includet) Anti Dodge/Disrupt/Block pocket item Unlimited Chaos Black Dye 175+ gold RR80 Slayer Server: Badlands 8/8 off sov rr75 off axe rr65 off axe melee absorb High amount of untransfered crests RR78 Disciple of Kaine 8/8 worn healing sov full with 165 armor pots Low amount of crests RR60 Black Guard Just full warlord and decent amount of untransfered crests This account also contains alot of t1-3 alts ---- Claimable items The Librams of Insight Festering Tripe Greenskin Exclusive 3:Head Model War Aegis Deed for Starter Mount Deed for Sturdy Mount Specialized Training - War Tract RvR Pack Personality Pack Booster Pet Asking price is 398 USD ----------- Please add me on Skype: dalgrimar You can find me there every day - - - Updated - - - The Black Orc and Squig Herder also have the never ending Live Event item wich gives 5% to all stats and reduces ap costs. Forgot to mention it - - - Updated - - - Sub is still active for like 1 month
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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