Selling Epic geared RR100 WH, RR100 SH, rr90 SW and rr79...

Discussion in 'Warhammer Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Warface Accounts - Buy Sell Trade, 8/9/13.

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  1. Warface Accounts - Buy Sell Trade

    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    Epic geared RR100 WH, RR100 SH, rr90 SW and rr79 WL on same account.. ORDER TOONS -RR100 WH- -4/5 offensive WF -5/5 offensive DF -rr100 sword + bugged str melee pistol + 98 pistol -5 /5 tovl glyphs -Funerary shroud of settra -rr 90 + purple gear -3 x Tyrant -Melee absorb pocket item -rr90 + crit cloak and more.. -greater ruddy talisman (%5 to all stats) and edge stone. and even more.. -RR90 SW- -4/10 WF -4/10 DF -7/16 sove -4 glyphs (missing back) -Full tyrant -All vessel bows -Endless skull white -200 talisman making/salvaging -Melee absorb pocket, neffera s plague, lesser bone ward pocket. -greater ruddy talisman (%5 to all stats) and edge stone -aviator goggles. -RR79 WL- -with worn sove gear. -shroud of settra -2/5 WF -3/10 DF -rr 90 + purple gear -lotd bugged weapon -greater ruddy talisman, bone ward -aviator goggles DESTRO TOONS -RR100 SH- -3/5 WF -3/5 def, 4/5 off DF -Sove off set -bugged weapons with %10 crit -rr 98 weapons and other gear. -1 x glyph -lotd range power set -melee absorb, neffera s plagues pocket. -greater ruddy talisman and edge stone. -Apothecary 200, Cultivating 200. account has booster pack code actived. Well i wrote all i can. If u have questions do not hesitate to pm. Waiting for offers.
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