✅By purchasing you will receive 1 GC ACCOUNT:✅ -Access to the original email created to register the account -No #/bugs used -Original Account -Complete data change -Full data acquisition I am a Bronze seller with +18 successfully completed trades. You can purchase this account right away using the BUY NOW link. I have many accounts like this to sell and have already sold many of them (you can check my previous threads and sales history). All the accounts are played 100% by me and by hand. No #/account sharing was used. You can contact me though discord for any questions/direct purchase($25 any cryptocurrency BTC/ETH/LTC/USDT/USDC): Discord username: kristallon Or simply purchase through the BUY NOW button. FYI: All accounts are similar to this one, car skins may be different and GC tittle may be from a different season but ALL have GC rewards + titles: