Selling  50-99 Games  Europe EPIC GAMES ACCOUNT / GTA V / DBD / R6 / WATCH DOGS 2 AND MANY MORE

Discussion in 'Epic Games Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by danielkoro, 2/14/22.

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  1. danielkoro

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    I no longer use Epic games so i decided to sell my account since it has some goodies. You will have access to 81 games and my stacked fortnite account with save the world with daily vbucks reward. For example some games you will be able to play are: NBA 2K21, GTA V, R6 GOLD EDITION, NIOH THE COMPLETE EDITON, CONTROL. It is my own personal account so i have all the details. You can change email and your gamertag as well some more info. Its safe and totally worth it with how much this account has. If you buy this account and you try to login it will ask for a security code, and ill send it to you so you can login and change the info. (IF YOU NEED PROOF FOR ANYTHING OR HELP CONTACT ME)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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