Selling   Epic Games Acc: Has Death Stranding and Add-Ons (30+ Games Included)

Discussion in 'Epic Games Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by corclapis, 5/13/23.

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  1. corclapis

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    My Location:
    Games in account + prices of each game (all in CAD): READ TO END

    1. Wildcat Gun Machine ($18.99)
    2. Warpips ($19.99)
    3. Valorant (Free)
    4. The Sims 4 (Free)
    5. Shadow Tactics - Aiko's Choice ($24.99)
    6. Severed Steel ($28.99)
    7. Saints Row IV Re-Elected ($26.99)
    8. Rocket League (Free)
    9. Rise of Industry ($32.99)
    10. Recipe For Disaster ($18.99)
    12. Poker Club ($21.99)
    13. Mortal Shell ($32.99)
    14. Mortal Shell Tech Beta
    15. Metro Last Light Redux ($21.99)
    16. Lego Builders Journey ($21.99)
    17. Kerbal Space Program ($43.99)
    18. Horizon Chase Turbo ($21.99)
    19. Hell is Others (16.99)
    20. Game Dec - Definitive Edition ($39.99)
    21. Fortnite (Free)
    22. First Class Trouble ($16.99)
    23. Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game ($10.99)
    24. Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel ($10.99)
    25. Fallout 2: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game ($10.99)
    26. F.I.S.T.: Forged In Shadow Torch ($39.99)
    27. Eximius: Seize The Frontline ($10.99)
    28. Epistory - Typing Chronicles ($16.99)
    29. Encased ($34.00)
    30. Duskers ($22.99)
    31. Divine Knockout ($10.99)
    32. Dishonored - Definitive Edition ($26.99)
    33. Destiny 2 (Free)
    34. Death Stranding ($54.99 unavailable on Epic Games atm)
    35. Death Stranding Additional Content (3 Addons)
    36. Call of the Sea ($21.99)
    37. Bloons TD 6 ($14.99)
    38. Adios ($19.99)
    39. Breathedge ($32.50)
    TOTAL WORTH: $696.23 CAD

    You will need to provide a way I can contact you.
    I am accepting offers but I don't want to stray too far from the price since I did actually play on this acc.
    You must provide an email, user and pass you want associated with the account so I may change all information and hand it over to you
    Pay first (Sketchy ik but I will send proof of the acc and such)
    Must pay with PayPal
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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