Hello, I am Selling my epic Force Shielder. LvL: 17x HR: 11 [54.8%] Runes : HP, Attack, Deffense, Hp Absorb Up. Equiqment: Craftsman Mithrilplate [FS] +9 150HP Craft 8% AMP Craftsman Mithrilboots [FS] +9 3% Resist Amp Craft 8% AMP Craftsman Mithrilgloves [FS] +9 6% AMP / 2% Hp Steal Craftsman SigMetal Visor [FS] +8 40% CD / 4% CD Resist Mithrilblade of Deathblow +11 26% Critical Damage Craftsman TopasOrb +10 40% Critical Damage / 10 Atk Up Epaulet of Fighter +7 Killian Ring 3x Critical Ring +2 2x Baraclet of Fighter +3 Amp Sloted 2x Nice Drosnin Earings Amulet of Pain +5 Payment Methodes: Alz On Jupiter, Paysafecard, Banking. I Also WTT This Char for a Good Equiqed lvl 180-190 on Jup EU Contact cabal-king1 in Skype ore send me PN in Elitepvper with youre Offer. bump