Sold Epic end-game char w/ 23k+ achievement point 718 cp - full dlc

Discussion in 'Elder Scrolls Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by esoseller1337, 1/31/17.

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  1. esoseller1337

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    718 CP // 4,800,000 enlightment point ready to gain // Imperial Edition // All DLCs are available // around 40-45 days ESO PLUS // 750 Crown

    +50 LVL Tank-Imperial-DK Mount60/60/60 (Main Char)
    +All 9 Trait
    +All recipies
    +All Motifs
    +All crafts 50
    +1,7m GOLD
    +More than 23.000 Achievement point
    +CoS Challanger, RoM Challanger, Black Market Morgul and, Master Angler titles

    +50 LVL DD-Khajiit-NB Mount60/60/60
    Woodworking / BS / Clothing / Enchanting 50

    +50 LVL DD-H.Elf-Sorc Mount60/60/60
    Woodworking / BS / Clothing / Enchanting 50

    +50 LVL DD-W.Elf-Stamina Templar Mount60/60/60
    Woodworking / BS / Clothing / Enchanting 50

    +50 LVL DD/Heal-Argonian- Templar Mount60/60/45
    Woodworking / BS / Clothing / Enchanting 50

    +23 LVL DD-H.Elf-Mag NB Mount60/60/60
    Woodworking / BS / Clothing / Enchanting 50

    +3 LVL DD-R.Guard-Stam Sorc Mount30/1/60

    *20 Alloy 3,3k Rubedo ingot
    *62 Wax 2k A.Silk 2,8K R.leather
    *34 Rosin 5k R.Ash
    *41 Perfect Roe
    *8/10 Xp Scrolls (2 hrs)
    *140 Undaunted Key

    - Including tons of costumes + highly rare and expensive mounts + masks
    - Each character has its own unique build w/ all the best in slot gear + leveled up skill line
    - VO Gold
    - Lunar Bastion Gold/Purple
    - Ebon Purple
    - TBS Gold
    - Eternal Yokeda Gold
    - Infallible Aether Gold
    - SPC (dvines) Gold
    - Moondancer Gold
    - Alkosh Gold
    - MSA Healing Staff (Defending)
    and others...

    Mounts and costumes:

    # This account is based on PvE/PvP - It has best in slot gears for both of them. I must say my char has tanked every trial/dungeon. If you are dedicated player looking for perfect tank/dd/heal for PvE, this is your account. You can keep hunting new achievements + conqure upcoming DLCs.
    # Account is read to be played by new owner and ready for upcomming patch from any aspect
    # Any security concers can be solved - I can even let you have a conversation with my older customers - Providing 100% Security [EXTREME CHEAP PRICE]
    My skype adress: Serhat1944
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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