I am selling a high ranked founder account which sits at level 36. I have not played this game for a very long time and want to sell it. Currency 8k credits 42 Varium Items currently equipped and maxxed out Apprentice staff with lucky strike and ice shards. Azrael Anquish sidearm Founder Armor Azrael Annihilator zooka Founder bike Gamma # Has also Beta, Omega items in inventory and assault #. Stats and achievements 7 star commander Tech Mage 12000+ 1v1 wins and 2000 losses 4.900 2v2 wins and 1680 losses 1505 Jug wins and 29 losses 4910 FAME (A very respected character that was known to be one of the greats of the past, you do not need to ask for fame!) Has a inactive clan that this character is the leader of. This is a legendary founder character that used to fight the greats of the past xendran, plzjustdienoob and many more and made them bow to the KING